Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Shawshank Redemption ... Thanks for inspiring me

Few movies have made such a deep impression on me, as did SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION

I, by nature, have always found it difficult sticking on with my hobbies, often giving them up after couple of months effort. Working out in a Gym had lasted for two weeks, learning Harmonica had lasted two weeks too. Comparing that to Andy ( the main character in the movie) who, stayed focused, persevered for almost 20 years and dug a tunnel out of the prison using just a small rock hammer. Not once, in those 20 long years, did he lose hope ...

I have a lot to learn from Andy Duffreine .....

"Hope is a good thing, maybe best of the things. And good things don't die"

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Black and White

When I decided to give my Blog a makeover, the first thing that I decided was to convert the site into something predominantly black ( black being my favorite color) .

"And out of darkness came the hands that reach thro' nature, moulding men. "
Alfred Lord Tennyson

Monday, September 3, 2007

Rainy Days and Mondays

It was a Monday evening, it was an Holiday, it had been raining since the afternoon and I could have given anything for hot Aloo Pakodas and a hot cup of Tea. A glimpse of the beautiful Florida evening from my apartment.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Au Revoir, Guitar, Bonjour Harmonica

After years of unsuccessfully trying to learn the Guitar, I finally saw sense and since then have put my Guitar learning on the back burner ( for the time being ).

And if you are thinking that I have totally give up my quest for learning a musical instrument, you are wrong. It is merely 'Goodbye Guitar and Hello Harmonica'.

I had gone to the library this afternoon, and while idling along, I stumbled upon the Harmonica section. Lo behold, I grabbed not one but three harmonica books.

Hopefuly my quest for learning harmonica would be better than that for learning guitar. Given the amazing talent that I have for music, I can't be sure though.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Hunting ........

I was chatting with a friend of mine, and she just mentioned in passing that her parents were boy hunting these days. Now, I have heard some other friends of mine too telling me that their parents were busy doing girl hunting.

'Hunting', the word really stuck me. People run around, they escape, somehow survive, till they are hunted down. And then they get married.

I know Indian Govt has banned Black buck hunting, maybe they should look towards modifying the laws and ban some other kinds of hunting too :D.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Picking up Somu from the Airport

1230 h
It is Saturday and Somu's flight is arriving at 1:30. I wonder who is going to pick him up. Let me call up Naveen. Well Naveen's had a hard day yesterday, spending nearly 5 hours at the Airport . I don't think he would be much up to it today. Going to Miami Airport is really a torture.

I'll ask Kiran to go instead.
Hmm, Don't think he is interested in going, he would prefer to watch a Telgu Movie.

So it is me and Mukund again.

I call Mukund, he tells me that the flight has landed. We leave for the Airport immediately.

We reach the Airport. In my opinion, the approach to the Miami airport is the worst among all airports. What a torture. I wait in my car and Mukund goes inside the airport to search for Somu. Somu is nowhere in sight. We start asking the other passengers giving them Somu's description. No luck.

I get driven out the the waiting area, I have to go into the parking lot. I go out of the airport and circle back to the parking lot.

It is hour and half. We search the airport in and out, called each and everybody, confirmed that he is really coming today ( one cant be too sure ). No luck still.

Both of us are hungry. Neither of us have had lunch and I just remember that i hadn't taken breakfast either.

Kapil calls. And a surprise, Somu has already reached home. Kapil realized that we must be waiting at the airport and called us. We are lucky, else it would have been a couple of hours more at the airport.

After another disastrous weekend disaster, what now ? Well there is silver lining to every dark cloud. We did what we were planning to do for a long time, had a lunch at Waffle House.

A three egg omelete with cheese and mushroom, with a plate each of bacon, sausage and ham, it was one of the best lunches that i have had in Florida.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Dropping Somu to the Airport - Chronicle of the events

1100 h
It is almost time, just half an hour more. I put on the TV. Damn, it is Daredevil and Elektra again. This must he the 10th time this week that they have shown these two movies.

I wonder why my Harry Potter has not arrived, it had reached Miami yesterday.

1130 h
Time to go. I call up Mukund, it is going to the voice mail. By the way, where the heck is Somu. What ? he is still taking bath ..

1145 h
Somu is finally ready, we check everything and surprisingly everything is packed up. Lets go now. Somu wants to send his itinerary to his friends, borrows my Mac. Wow, Macs are cool ...

Somu sits on the glass top table, lifts his legs off the ground and bang, the glass breaks and Somu goes down. Is he hurt ? Well, definitely, there is this deep cut almost 3 inches long. We gotta take him to the emergency.

I remember, Samarth, the original owner of the glass top table warning Somu not to sit on the table as it could break. Trust Somu to do exactly the opposite.

1150 h
I call Mukund, voice mail again. Damn, where he heck is he ... And then Mukund calls up. Hey dude, we have an emergency, we gotta take Somu to the Hospital.

1215 h
Mukund arrives, we rush Somu to the hospital emergency. The Doc says, it is going to take atleast 3-4 hours. There is no way Somu can make it to the Flight. The Flight needs to be rescheduled. Doc takes Somu to the minor care to stich him up.

1245 h
Mukund manages to get in touch with the Travel Agent. Sunday tickets are impossible. Agent would contact Lufthansa and try for a Monday ticket.

Believe it or not, everything is done and Doc says Somu can fly today. Somu doesn't like the Monday option, fears that he'll miss his marriage. We call up the travel agent and tell him not to go ahead with the cancellation. Can we make it for the Flight on time ? Well the Flight is at 1530. We just might make it. So we leave the hospital and head towards home. God, am i hungry. I missed the breakfast today.

1355 h
We reached home, put all the luggage in my SUV. Time to start for the Airport. I check up with Somu again, Hey, when is the flight ? 3:30. Good, i grab a coke and we make a move.

1430 h
We are near the Miami airport. Traffic is just crawling. The approach to Miami international is bad. Broken single lane roads. Given an option of choosing between going to the Miami airport and going to the dentist, I'll be tempted to choose the latter.

1435 h
We reach the airport. We manage to find a security personnel who takes us to the business class counter instead. Luggage is checked in. We find an Air Hostess who is on the same flight. She takes Somu with her to the flight.

1445 h
Somu is in. Cant believe that he made it. We all go to Dunkin's Doughnut to grab something to eat. Curiously, whenever i have come to this airport, i have always gone to the Dunkin's. Maybe next time I will ask for a discount.

1515 h
Lets go home. Kapil says, lets make sure Somu has left. Srihari suggests, lets go and check out flight departure status. Hey, i cant find any Lufthansa flight for 1530. Wait, there is a flight for 1500 that has already departed. Wow, what a Googly, It would have put Shane Warne to shame. The Flight was at 3:00 after all and not at 3:30.

We leave the airport, it is raining like hell. What a day, I am dead tired. I guess I'll just hit the sack the moment I reach home.

1700 h
We reach home and as usual, I am hungry again. There are couple of pizza slices left, let me warm them up, meanwhile let me check the delivery status of the Harry Potter book.

I open my Mac. Oh no, this one is the biggest googly of all, my brand new, fully loaded Mac, shattered. It must have fallen on the same iron table along with Somu.

Well Mac is not the only thing shattered, along with it I am shattered too. The feeling is somewhat similar to the feeling that you get when you breakup with your girlfriend. In this case think, the feeling is much worse. What should i do now.... well for starters, I think I'll polish of the pizza ...